Holidays can often trigger powerful emotions and memories of our lost loved ones, no matter how much time has passed.

Mother’s Day and Father’s Day can be particularly difficult for those without a mom or dad, as they are painful reminders of what we’ve lost. We know this season can be hard for those who have lost a parent or grandparent, for parents who have lost children, or even those who are grieving alongside someone experiencing one of these losses. It’s a time that can leave us feeling sad and lonely and unsure as to how to best support the ones we love who are grieving.

Holidays can also be a beautiful opportunity to celebrate the special memories you shared with your loved ones.

As we continue providing comprehensive, professional bereavement support to children, adults, and families, and we continue to raise funds for our ongoing grief support groups, we also want to continue giving you the opportunity to honor and remember your loved ones in unique and special ways. 

The Remembrance Garden

This year, we invite you to celebrate the special memories you shared with your loved ones and honor those you’ve lost with a contribution for Full Circle’s new Remembrance Garden. The Remembrance Garden will be a rock garden filled with tributes to your loved ones. The bright colors and names of loved ones will be a reminder of hope and healing.

Each hand-painted rock is a $25 donation and will be personalized for your loved one and 100% of those donations will directly fund our ongoing grief support groups: Perinatal Loss, Suicide Loss, Overdose Loss, Hands on Healing family groups, and our Journeying Through Grief groups, all facilitated by licensed, experienced professionals here at Full Circle.

How does it work?

  • Purchase a rock for a $25 donation
  • Volunteers and community members will paint a rock for your loved one
  • 100% of your donations will fund our grief support groups
  • The garden will be located at our grief center in Richmond, VA

In life we loved you dearly, in death we love you still. In our hearts you hold a place, no one else will ever fill.

The Remembrance Garden is a special way to remember our lost loved ones and honor our friends and family members on their grief journey. If you have a friend or family member who is missing someone special this Mother’s Day and Father’s, it is a meaningful way to remember them – by dedicating a rock to the Remembrance Garden in their name.